Participation is existential.
In this coffee house          [Original verse]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.
Where is death?


In the hole. [Bethany B.; Windsor, CA]


Deep within the abyss       [Lauren L.;  Dallas, TX]
A dark, acidic pool  
Engulfs me.  

In this coffee house
the crowd mocks me
A circle of life
I hear you   [Linda; Burbank, CA]


In this coffee house           [Max M.]
the crowd mocks me
but I am for life
bite me!


In this coffee house                     [Adrianna B., Boise, ID]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life
I hear you 
Masticating like a camel


A star's creed is the dust of angels    [Jonathan M.]
betrothed in youth.
Aborted like the parenthood of evaporation,
stage four...unto the sun.
Rays drool from slightly parted lips,
as they are caned for chewing gum.


Death is in my ass      [Charlie R., Morganville, NJ]
My colon cries out
It's dark here and I am afraid
Wait, is that a light up yonder?
Yes it's a tubal insertion
Death is renewed in my ass...


In this coffee house    [Tina K., Redwood City, CA]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.


I'm not here for the company,     [Larry J., Emeryville, CA]
I'm not here because of the rain.
I'm here because my head hurts,
And the caffeine reduces the pain.


The yak yells.     [Rebecca B., Petaluma, CA]
Heads turn.
They hear the yak.
They do not hear me.


In this coffee house     [Louis M., Croton-on-Hudson, NY]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.
Oh beans of goodness,
The aroma of love engulfs me, then, suddenly
I was hit by a bus and died


uh, i'm not quite sure i get it...    [Bob J., Berkeley, CA]

but, just in case i do...  
I just write it, wrong and right it, 
and then i send back to you?  
or, the you who sent it to you?
what the goddamn hEll do eYe dO?
I ain't no poet, 'dis poem show it... 
farm pigs walk in their poo.

oh, nooooo!

 [Stephanie S., Oakland, CA]

Looming around in the mouth of madness    
hunger for life 
thirst for a cappuccino.


No! I spit out      [Autumn A., Santa Cruz, CA]
your bitter grounds
for deception.
Dig the whole hole, man!
It is. It is.
Take from the whole
still the hole remains.
There is no death!
Only life fueling life.
Round and round.
Like a Portuguese doughnut
with no hole.


In this coffee house     [Morgan M., San Francisco]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.
Where is death?
inside the ring
try to hide
within the whole of
the saccharin innertube

crumbs are left,
sugar on my breath
my life is death


That hole that is whole       [Cathy N., New York, NY]


Zen Bliss Coffee House      [Jonathan D., Lafayette, CA]
I reflect on glass
A sir cools love / strife
Death is in 
A half-drunk coffee cup
One sip too many, or too few
The barista will exclaim
Who knew?
Choking on the donut,
The donut got the last bite
The coffee was a nice try
But too little, or maybe too much
Too fate
Head through the glass
Infinite reflections
At least ‘till the janitor makes his rounds
Cobain heard through the janitor’s headphones,
And I forget just why I taste/ Oh yeah I guess, it makes me smile
I found it hard/ it’s hard to find / oh well, whatever, nevermind


In this coffee house   [Dwyer J., Lawrenceville, NJ]
the donut mocks me. 
A circle of life. 
Where is death?  
Death is over there at the table by the exit door,
Appropriately placed.
Death is gone, real gone;
Why not?
The ghost of Allen Ginsberg's f------ 
Death up its bony a--,
Why not? 
The spirit of Kerouac is drinking coffee.
What the f---?
He doesn't even have a hip flask with
His favorite booze.
So Jack in the afterlife is
Clean and sober?
Christ, what a disappointment. 
But at least, over there in the dark corner,
Dead Dean Moriarity is offering
The three pretty girl-ghosts he's f------
A big fat joint,
Thank you, Dean,
For keeping the spirit of rebellion

[Ed Note: Edited for content until which time the "F word" makes the 8th grade reading list.]
 [Rev. Michael S. M.; location anonymous]

Shouldn't I see it in the smile of the waitress,
or in the visions I see in the depths of infinite blackness, my cup of coffee? Aw there it is, inside my donut, the empty hole, it's the nothingness that mocks me, Death in all its magnificent majesty.


In this coffee house   [John D., Denver, CO]
the donut mocks me. 
A circle of life. 
Where is death?

various lines of sugar saturated satisfaction 

death is found drowning in thick chocolate filling
teeth brushed clean with cream and marshmellow nibbling
pink gums stabbed with sprinkle sharded sugar daggers piercing
icing caked crustacean of white flake concentration
dig into soft doughy flesh of baby white tan turtlesque soup dandy
soft sandy sugar starch caramel crunch explosion 
hardened heated heavy hand tossed high rising dough 
bread and cake wet my taste lick my lips and cross my hips
dining with a silver spoon and a rotten dripping drooling dinner palette tooth
tongue licking long on a strip of dong kong hairy unmentionables
cut with bear claw éclair I dare to tear into the next batch unbaked
fresh flesh rising on an open flame firing up the hearts of the morning
taste the rainbow flavors of a thousand sinners wishing for rapture raspberry repenting over
soft strident strawberry swirl and always ever ambitious ample amber cranberry
rough and rude veiny striped pineapple pulsating with pompous lips puckering
deep chocolate whore beckoning for another bite into dark flesh of midnight
white queen rotating on a pedestal of sour sweet cream delivered deliciously with vanilla filling
eating ever graciously in gratitude of the gratuitous gram of grumpy grimy jet and ivory pudding
white and black combined red and yellow these colorful confections confound and complete me
i jiggle 300 pounds of pure candy

cup o coffee 
cup o joe
crude paper cylinder
heated black bean water
emptiness mixed with expectation
drink and dream of something slightly more significant
add more sugar and keep on stirring
gotta get back to work
drink up quick
oh well it’s a living


To Anne      [Mark S., Portland, OR]  

I see you there,
dear Anne.
You meld into me once more
 –let it be you
let it be undone, that pain
the field and you
the sprout.
we will say hello then,
but how will we know?
we will meet
and enjoy one another
but how will I know it’s you?
In the long after
the day of you death,
the day of your birth,
will I ever know 
the truth of it?
there has been enough
suffering for you
and perhaps
it is enough
that you planted some words 
for me to find.


mine is a haiku -         [angela b., Decatur, GA]

          move a tiny bit
to the left, oh no, right - there
    yes, yes, yes, yes, yes


In this coffee house     [Carrie W., Macon, GA] 
the donut mocks me. 
A circle of life. 
Where is death? 
And the hole is 
of my heart within.
Empty, yet laced with sweetness
wanting to be whole...


Where is Death....      [Suzan R., Tucker, GA]
the sweet solace of your silence


The sinusoidal curves of life[Matthew H., Narberth, PA]
bestrides trials and tribulations
from cradle to grave
whipsawing and fish tailing
ascending atop white cap crests 
and descending subsurface troughs
encapsulating cyclical moments
within the memory banks
reflecting tangential co-signers
until that arbitrary age of eighteen
or twenty-one years
when the onus of responsibility
mandates that each potential adult
adapt to the paradigm of reason
disengage from the pranks of youth
sprung from the day of birth
summarily enjoyed when precocious
felled whence autumnal dusk arrived
concluded during winter of discontent.


The donut mocks me,         [Leann M., Auburn, GA]
in this coffee house.
Where is death?
A circle of life...


IN THIS COFFEE HOUSE  [J. Ameer, Atlanta, GA]



And anyway,         [Eddie B., Piedmont, AL]
I am hungry and it is too early, 
and the little sweet thing 
the counter 
looks as good 
as any donut ever did, 
and all my life 
I am haunted by 
those sweet holes.


As life begins old ones end  [Savanna H., Decatur, GA]


If these are the ramblings of a    [Joshua E., La Vergne, TN]
madman, then let it be so.  If I am 
not supposed to make the world 
aware, then how will they know?  
Trapped inside me is a monster, I think.  
Or, maybe an angel, I haven’t figured that out 
quite yet.  All I know is that I cannot look 
someone directly in the eye without fearing t
hat they will expose my secret before I even 
realize what that secret is.  My destiny is 
significant.  This much I am certain of.  But, 
for what team am I playing?  Everyday I grow 
stronger and weaker at the same time.  My 
hunger is insatiable.  I yearn for a fulfillment 
that is undefined.  All I know is that I would 
be better off dead than not knowing.  Am I 
alone?  No.  I am a void.  A black hole 
masked by flesh and bone.  I survey and 
extract, but only temporarily.  My 
encounters and experiences sustain me, 
yet I am the personification of emptiness.  
Where do I go from here?  There is no up 
or down, only an oblivious existence.  I 
have sought meaning, and continue to do so; 
but all I have found is a fabrication built upon 
expectation and disappointment.  Sin and 
malice force upon me an awakening, yet 
leave behind a fruitless revelation.  Fear and 
regret, nothing more than old drinking buddies.  
Joy and happiness creep in and out like a 
stepmother who gives you a twenty dollar bill 
every time she is awkwardly placed in your 
company.  Hope, on the other hand, is a 
precarious mistress.  You always expect her 
to leave in the morning, but sometimes, she 
sticks around and makes you breakfast.  All 
in all, however, you cannot trust her.  She 
might as well be the Chicago Cubs of emotions.  
If only I were courageous enough to settle.  
Why can I not be satisfied with merely existing 
as a by-product of God’s elaborate plan?  
Perhaps I am no more than ash that refuses to 
return to dust.  If that is the case, then I can at 
least expect to never be swept underneath the 
rug.  What choice am I left with then?  None.  I 
will continue on as I always have; an apparition 
that will make all the difference in the world 
someday, but not until it is too late.  There is 
nothing worse than knowing that you are the 
savior, and at the same time not knowing what 
you are supposed to be saving the world from.  
The only time I am sure of myself is when I am 
dreaming.  It all makes sense, and then I wake 
up.  Disoriented.  One day, they will realize who 
I am, and why I am here.  One day, I will make 
the same assumption, second-guess myself, 
and be mistaken once again.    


GOOD MEN DO SOMETHING   [Daniel H., Washington, D.C.]

In the heart of human activity,
In a crowd.
Yes, in a crowd of moving people.
The heat of bodies and sweat is close by, 
with a loud rumbling drone.
Too fast; too much bubbling.

Then something happens in the crowd.
And there's screaming and loud gurgling.
An attack...a crushing fight!?
People scattettering away in all directions.
Growing quieter, I can see a man down.
Alone now.
I leap from the stage to help.
Yes, I rush forward to help.

 [Justin F., Unionville, CT]
Death is serving drinks 
behind the counter contemplating the "a" at the end of "barista".
A touch of feminity? 
I'd date death.


Where is death? [Brandon C., Middletown, PA]
In this coffee house
the donut mocks me
A circle of life.
Where is death?

Bitter spittle, spat.
Coffee in a red cup swirling;
no cream: black.
Sugar packets in piles
where they lay
I stir it clockwise then I 
and it spins back.


death is in the hole,    [Sarah L., New Haven, CT]

death is in the hole

glazed over - 

cracked like lace,

aged sugar.

 [Ashley M., Clarksville, TN]

Living towards the future, dwelling in the past

Time will only determine its last, or perhaps...


In this coffee house    [C. Conrad C., Castro Valley, CA]
the donut mocks me. 
A circle of life. 
Where is Death? 
The dude just Bogarted my donut.


In this coffee house     [Larissa G.,  Providence, R.I.]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.
Where is death?
Death marks my hands with jelly
connecting the unconnected
Eye contact breeds confidence
To keep on keepin' on.


Staring into a deep pool      [Lauren L., Dallas, TX]
Of bitter blackness.
Thinking about
Dreams and fears.
Secrets and tears.
Futures hanging
Like wet laundry
On a taut line.
Is time  really
Our friend?


Is it in its dusting of pure sugar    [Tricia R., Columbus, OH]
That my demise is found,
Or in something below the sweet surface.
What is deception?


Love is[Timothy G., Meriden, CT]
of the heart
let the love roll in
Love will die 
let the next one in

Love lives in the dark
dance of dark within... begins
love the dark
let the next one in
Love binds
rips apart
let the next one in


In these tired times    [Stephanie K., Brooklyn, IN]
the economy mocks me. 
A circle of business. 
Where is my life?


I see death around the corner     [Jay C., Nashville, TN]
But its hard to except

I hope I can bridge this gap 

and get back at it again

maybe come full circle

maybe go 360

give me 5 because 24/7 I grind you cant miss me

out here payin these bills

at home, feeding these kids 

we can agree on 1 thing homie,

Life is a bitch!


The vacant hole in the middle.     [Pamela B., Raleigh, NC]


In this coffee house     [David V., Brillion WI.]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.
Where is death?
is it in the coffee
or the glare from
the window?
no but in the heart
of us all.


But am I no better       [John A., Alexandria, VA]
Than a donut,
Through my veins, courses butter,
Through the hole, can not
A Better place be,  ECCO Domino.


With only a piece gone        [Alton K., Durham, NC]
I stumble back home
Moving now is not easy at all
When I hit that spot
I feel as if I am going to fall
I just can't roll
And in the middle I have a hole


Cats, like leaves scream at me   [Mark W., London, UK]
—the shriek fills my head––
outside the street, calling


So––what is this exquisite corps,      [Mark W., London, UK]
arising, only in death alive...


In this coffee house           [Fernando H., Greenville, NC]
the donut mocks me. 
A circle of life. 
Where is death? 
At lovers' leap, 
bound to stay the course
she seeks;


In this coffee house     [Jon R.]
the donut mocks me. 
A circle of life. 
Where is death?
Any day now.
Free the West Memphis 3.


Death is     [Lauren D., Baltimore, MD]
In the gap between the broken circuit
Crumbly, unknown
Dark, adventure.


... Where is death?    [Abby G., Lafayette, LA]

In this coffeehouse,
in every hipster's desperate eyes,
splashing nicotine-stained fingers,
blowing light,
 and gentle as a
spring breeze.


In this coffee house     [Nicole D., Portland, ME]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.
Where is death?
Blind faith!
My love,
my self,
my faith,
and sorrows.
Questions and doubts
my sins
and I don't know what to tell you,


death is in the coffee shop  [Troy J., Green Bay, WI]
it's in the library, 
bible verses, and the water
the only life is new things on a credit card


  [Matthew H., Narberth, PA]
this simian sits under with thoughts thumping within me noggin
   unsure if i can cue the beat
distracted by a wishful longing for a cold wintry day to toboggan
   but effort yanked back to this task at hand - no mean feat
thus forcing me to complete this short rhyme! 


In this coffee house      [Sky, Barber City, CA]
the donut mocks me
A circle of life.
Where is death?

The old man is 80,
Always here at 6 AM,
No more; cannot remember,
Without, within, emptiness,
His mind a donut hole?


In this coffee house      [Matt A., Beaver Dam, WI]
the donut mocks me. 
A circle of life. 
Where is death? 

As I sit here at this table
these mocking donuts
won't shut up.
The coffee snickers
While they whisper,
and all these sounds just won't let up.
I put my feet to floor in attempt to get up
But my shoes find something sticky
Very icky, 
And I just don't feel that brave anymore


In this coffee house    [Pamala E., Phoenix, AZ]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.
Where is death?
In the vast emptiness,
the hole remains.
Only to cast darkness.
Cardiovascular exploded.


In this coffee house    [Jennifer C., Mesa AZ]
the donut mocks me.
It taunts and teases saying
"take a bite of me"
My clogged arteries and capillaries collapsing,
for all of there pleading done in vein,
if she eats it we're all doomed
and life won't exhist for us
ever again....


In this coffee house      [Evan G., Nobleboro, ME]
The donut mocks me
A circle of life
Where is death?
Is it in the stolen bagel at my side
is it the fifth cup of coffee 
'snuck' under the nose of a friendly barista?
So I ask you again where is death
and when is death?
Is it in this broken donut
this injured good?
Is it in the face of life itself?
Is it in us all waiting to be released?
Have I broken a karmic circle
Have I set apart the beauty of life and death
for this
Isn't this broken wheel
beauty enough for us?
Need we something complete?
This broken donut
it asks me again it asks me where is death
and why is life
and what have I done?


i wrote to her, at the jail        [Paul D., San Jose, CA]
many times, many times
what i wrote
this is like crying


Take your beat mind out     [Karla A.; Muir Beach, CA]
of the donut hole! 
Look around.


My shoes are dusty   [Kat M.; Woodstock, GA]
The tent is musty
But there is no smell
Like the Appalachian Trail


I am mocked      [Katy D., Atlanta, GA]
for my donut.
Why should I care about
Death is in all of us.


Death is the unbitten donut [Amber C Holly Springs, MS]
the life unfulfilled
For if life is the donut
Why not savor it's sweetness


In this coffee house            [Matt P Atlanta, GA]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.
Where is death?
Beneath the floor,
A donut-whore.
400 pounds of
obese galore.
I would pay,
but I'm poor!


IIn this coffee house   [Teresita C., Seattle, WA]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.
Where is death?
Shaking in the baked goods
behind the glass.
Out on the sidewalk.
In my stomach.

 [Matthew H., Narberth, PA]

to preface this windy reply let me state the obvious that i like to write
ideally a thought provoking diatribe versus some string of words rather trite
akin to me love o math where pythagorean theorem applies to triangles right
which verbose verbiage tends to be long winded and vaguely understood quite
if in deed suffer from insomnia this verbose trenchant query will help ye sleep at night
as sometimes occurs from the likes of this middle aged/ medieval rusty olde ordinary knight
whose physique (albeit slender and healthy body mass index) ranks a boot average in height!

this pure breed mud half blood muggle prince 
this bona fide seeker for employment does reckon the following poetic way 
not necessarily follows the formalities to reply as most would readily say 
yet why adhere to conformity, which paradigm frowns on creative a tay 
which atypical modus operandi to reply a positive reply and job i pray 
even if the outcome per offering my interest turns out to be nay 
perhaps because where mien hometown west of philadelphia frito lay. 

ever since mine birth
the travails o life reflected with a thin resume 
   may show an immediate robust work history dearth 
yet decided to resort to verse to induce a byte size mirth 
of requisite (sought after) technical expertise, 
   i do possess the attributes well worth. 

if you might just allow me to boast 
and blithely use iambic pentameter to coast 
maybe even given the opportunity to eradicate re: exorcise any binary ghost 
and offer bytes of helpful information from this pc host. 

so...without further ado i will slightly brag 
to tell of an ability to conduct understand dos 
   manage common system utilities such as plucking tweezer 
   like bits of floating digital flotsam and jetsam
   tooling with thee registry, scan disk and defrag 
installed, resolved dsl issues, performed scan-disk and troubleshooting glitches 
   such as removal of dos files, installation and/or removal of hardware to flag
   likewise uninstalling software, running registry sweeps 
   in an attempt to remove bugs and errors that cause this machine to cough and gag 
which invariably causes processes as downloading, sending, uploading, et cetera to lag
and if chance smiles on further consideration like a happy pup his tail will wag! 

a smattering of moi yam bic samples this bard of belmont hills doth now enclose
as microsoft word attachment (hoop fully an acceptable floor mat)
   so...without further ado about nuttin here goes...


Mysteriously lurking between the cracks    [Chris B., Seattle, WA]
Bleeding thru the concrete walls
Staining the art that covers the holes
Hiding in the last few sips
Of the cups that fill with bitter black drip
That roasting aroma clouding the mind
A drug this is, killing us in time
Death is here
In this coffee house

 [Benjamin D., Atlanta, GA]

Move like ultra-violent, quantum defiant algorythms of speedy light.
sweet like bake sales, just trying to make heads or tails of when and why the geometry swells, or collapses. Just trying to derail the absolute bland and try to rebless this desolate hand, and get a handle on my flexible mandible. Demanding myself to speak above the peak, and attest to the loving stand, which i take out on the boundaries of the thinking man's strand.

Was fed up the last time, with sentiments bitter like lime, and the shadowy mime known as the pure business kind. The only business I know is to grow, and sore cheeks for weeks over cheeky feats, and latch rattling beats.
Meager eager beavers wear mechanized disquises, harness blood like fire, in a kiln of pure pyre, wildly spired into glowing embers dancing into phantom spaces which yearn to filled, and the rolling mob who waits to be filled. Burning bright requires much plight, and chlorophyll delight to raise my yin, and snuff my woe.... for fear my organ's might lead to be sown, or fail against the waking firey flail

Some chemistry takes it's toll, if you only aim to roll over on pain, and not attain to gain the reason it might sustain, every root has a main and need to connect like an associative brain.....honey combs of sacred geometry, displacing light like optimetry, in a spectacle most


I dig it. You dig? [Jonathan M.]
Ta, ta, ta, ta.      
Ta, ta, ta, ta,
Ta, ta, ta, ta, 

Dew drops, 
Tumble down. 
Sky and mood not gray for all, 
Splashing happily as they fall. 
On broken umbrellas. 


The naked donut howls at me.    [Fred P.  San Diego]
Hysterical, like it's my 
Fault it has a hole and
A bite mark, like it's my
Fault it has been marked for
Death. Some things like to be
Eaten.  I take another bite, then
Another, my angry sugar
Fix satisfied. The donut is


An empty black turtleneck  [Jim M, Antioch, CA]
Pipes up
Daring others to listen
over the clack of their own keys.


All things Holy    [Sontayah]

                            You:    In this coffee house
                                       the donut mocks me.

                                       A circle of life,

                                       Where is death?

                           Me:      He died before birth.  (my son)
                                       He will die again.

                                       Seizure eclampsia, seals the circle of life.

                                       There is no beginning, there is no death.
                                       Just a mocking donut hole that never ends


​Snap snap snap                                  [Martin A. D, Oakland]
Clapping is so uncool                        [a.k.a. 'Mardav']
Snap snap
Fingers clicking appreciatively
As soon as I took the microphone
No clap
It's not a poem, folks
I was just announcing someone's headlights were on.


In the jagged recess                             [Floyd F., Catchogue, NY]

my teeth left?

At the bottom of this mug

of hot and tan Ambrosia?

We always assume death comes

at the end of something germane to us.

Perhaps it’s the middle.

The hole.

The part of the donut

removed by the smallish, brown man

in the back

before he dropped it in the boiling oil


In this coffee house                           [Garrett K., Brooklyn, NY]
People pick up cartons of caffeine
Before they've finished previous sips
With constant movements
Its got them ripped
With stuttered ambitions and words
Each cheek shakes their hips
And they're in constant shift
What was meant to give them temporary lift
Provided them with lack of grip
They read today's headlines
For today's daily tip
But it does not fit
For that shoe wasn't stitched for their soul
And within it
It leaves an empty pit.


The cat sleeps                                   [Denise S., San Francisco]
I cannot move
Not to disturb
The transcendent peace.


In this coffee house     [Varsha, S., California]
the donut mocks me.
A circle of life.
Where is death?
Only one sip I take and
then bitterness bestows me.
Ay, this is like the taste of death to me.
No more for me I say---


in this coffee house    [William Q.]
denizens of my past
vapors of reality
talk to themselves
through the ethos of illusion.

in fading intensity
the donut mocks me. 
the circle of life
turns octagonish.
Bitten by our
the donut asks

Where is death?
I die
Why not you?


do we keep going?      [Steve Q.]
the donut asks
her face
a round hole
in the table?

or is this the end?
yet another decrepit illusion
fogging the windows
of this abandoned
parked car?


Where is death?  [Noah W.]          
When will it bite?
Teeth marks remain.
The broken ring.
All a memory, when it's gone.
Can't get another one.


death is the hole, the hole is death      [C.C. Long, Lincoln, CA, via Pawling, N.Y., 
      via London, via Manhattan, via Seattle]

-----------------------------------------------       [Jay N., Little Rock, AR; Bremerton, WA]

In the coffee house,      
Waiting for a new batch.
Preparing my mouth to function just like a hidden hatch.
I'm eating the conut of life.
I've completed the circle of life.


The blackened soul of the blue-eyed man  [Jaysun C., Spanaway, WA]
Bears the scars of a love that has died
The blue-eyed beast rages within,
Silently awaiting to atone for his sin...
Fearing no man, above or below...
Not really caring to which he may go.


This running carrot oratory   [John M., Seattle]
escapes notice;
for the tears of yesterday's pidgeon
roll liscentiously in this grave--
does death like pickles, or no...?


is it at my door  [Leo T.]
thoughts I explore 
as I take a sipn
and and let my mind drift in once more


Color me red..     [Brittnie L., Tacoma, WA]
You don't understand..
inevitably unknown..
That's usually how it goes..
Color me what you want..
Soon we will be there.


In a moment,[Xander S., Gorham, Maine]
Time lies in wait beside me,
As I stare into the eyes of a passerby I see,
Visions of notoriety, 
Peculiar oddity, 
Somehow intensely looking back at me,
Loss of morality, 
Strangely touching to me, 
And images of memories flood by me,
Captivating me, 
An oddity, 
Of my mind will see, 
A narcoleptic conformity, 
To the standards that we see fit,
And in the universe we are but a single speck,
Of sugary sweet dust,
On that donut that for it we lust. 


Dear Donut Denizen,
The truth is like a donut,
Glazed or Old Fashioned
but much more difficult to digest,
when dealing with the truth
 It is imperative to chew around it
Slowly, delicately
And if by chance
you should bite into it
Swallow it fast
then excrete it


Dancing with life[Esteban G., NY] 
 In the tunes of aromas.
 Coffee and vanilla beans.
 Always whole
 one in the same? 

Read  the  verse  below in  BOLD,  then  write and send us your  next BEAT  verse  by  clicking  here.  Posts  within  72 hrs, or after we've had time to contemplate the experience. Please  be  sure to include your FIRST NAME, FIRST INITIAL OF LAST NAME, your CITY, and STATE/PROVINCE and your COUNTRY.

Who were the 
BEAT POETS? Discover them here. Maybe you'll see one of your relatives.
"Three writers does not a generation make." 
- Gregory Corso 
  (sometimes also attributed to Gary Snyder).